Our oils are the result of a well done job and respect for the land. We have our own mill, which assures us full control of the entire process, from the extraction to the bottling.
Organic single-varietal oils. Arbequina, Arbosana, Cornicabra, Hojiblanca, Picual.
Red wine vinegar.
Extra virgin olive oil, excellent well rounded, balanced with a soft taste and a very pleasant fruity nuance on the palate and on the nose. This oil comes from the olive trees of small producers of the Alt Camp.
The Menya variety is a variety that adapts to poor lands with a tiny fruit that is difficult to harvest. The result is an exceptional organically produced oil that will not leave you indifferent.
Set d’Oli
Cami dels Masos, S/N
43811 Figuerola del Camp
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