Our mill is located in Figuerola del Camp.
Contact us at 722 76 55 03
we do it:
The olives pass through the winnower and destemmer to clean them for their processing.
We weigh and identify the olives to guarantee their traceability. Then, we place them on pallets to avoid undesired heating and fermentation.
Through mechanical procedures we grind the olives to prepare the paste that will later be sent to the blender.
We adjust the temperature and the beating time according to the needs of each olive batch to preserve the maximum aromas and the structure of the olive juice.
Finally, we filter the oil through cotton filters to eliminate all the impurities. We bottle it in the selected format and tag it with your label or with a generic extra virgin olive oil label.
Set d’Oli
Cami dels Masos, S/N
43811 Figuerola del Camp
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